Tehnički Vjesnik (Jan 2022)
Usability of Pumpkin for Nutritional Purposes and Green Energy Production
A significant problem in the use of pumpkin is the fact that its total mass is not used completely, but is thrown away and becomes waste. The meat is used for the production of flour, but after its production there are leftovers. The work includes two varieties of pumpkin (seed with shell and seed without shell). The aim of this study is to determine the impact of drying and variety on the quality of meat flour and the possibility of using residues after the production of peel and seed shells with the goal of producing energy. Drying will be carried out by convection at 50, 60, and 70 °C. The obtained results showed that Variety 1 (with shell) is better for flour production and energy efficiency. LHV of peel was 14.70 MJ/kg and shell 17.80 MJ/kg and classifies pumpkin residues as a very desirable raw material for green energy production.