Rev Rene (Nov 2022)
Factors associated with disability in patients after discharge from Intensive Care Units COVID-19
Objective: to evaluate factors associated with disability of patients after hospital discharge in COVID-19intensive care units. Methods: cross-sectional analytical research with sociodemographic, clinical, self-perception of health and WHODAS 2.0 scale data of patients discharged from a teaching hospital. Patients admitted to an intensive care unit for COVID-19 for more than eight days, discharged from the hospital at least 365 days before data collection and older than 18 years were included. Information analysis was performed using data mining. Results: 32 individuals were eligible, 25% were disabled. These individuals presented low cognition, mobility, self-care, limitation in daily activities, justified by biological and clinical parameters. Still, 37% by obesity and polymedication, 75%, impaired concentration and 50%, neurological developments. The length of hospitalization and the therapeutic resources demanded in this period were also associated with the disability observed. Conclusion: the COVID-19 virus added to the length of hospitalization and clinical factors ware related to disability 12 months after hospital discharge with strong presence of neurological symptoms. Contributions to practice: it is expected to contribute to the understanding of the long-term impacts of COVID-19, enabling to offer better assistance and quality of life to patients affected by the disease.