Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (Aug 1996)

Tumor-like lesion due to Chagas' disease in a patient with lymphocytic leukemia Massa cerebral devido a Doença de Chagas em paciente com leucemia linfocítica

  • Pedro Rippel Salgado,
  • Anthony Guerra Gorski,
  • Andréa Ribeiro Aleixo,
  • Eugênio Oliveira Martins de Barros

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38, no. 4
pp. 285 – 288


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A 73 year-old white male, living in the interior of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in central Bra­zil, after an initial diagnosis of sinusitis was transferred to the neurology service with a 3-day evolution of intracranial hypertension. Exams showed lymphocytic leukemia and a tumor-like lesion, either an expanding inflammatory process such as an abscess or a neoplasm. Treatment with Ceftriaxone and Decadron was started and intracranial hypertension was controlled. Methotrexate was injected on the occasion of the next puncture considering a possible leukemia infiltration. Flagellate forms of T. cruzi were observed in the CSF and treatment with Benznidazole was started. After 4 days the CSF presented fractionated forms of trypomastigotes. The protein level was 27%. Signs of intracranial hypertension ceased. Tomography and magnetic resonance images showed an important reduction of the tumor-like lesion. The clinical condition of the patient improved.Paciente masculino, 73 anos, do interior de Mato Grosso do Sul, com diagnóstico inicial de sinusite, evoluiu em 3 dias para quadro de hipertensão intracraniana severa. Transferido para o serviço de neurologia, os exames evidenciaram leucemia linfocítica e indicaram ainda processo inflamatório expansivo como abscesso ou tu­ mor (exame do liquor e tomografia). Instituiu-se Ceftriaxone e Decadron. Foi feita nova punção lombar, injetou-se metotrexate considerando possível infiltração leucêmica. No liquor observou-se formas flagelares de T. cruzi. Iniciou-se benzonidazol. Após 4 dias o liquor apresentou formas fracionadas de tripomastigotas. O nível de proteínas se estabilizou cm 27%. Cessou a sintomatolo­gia da hipertensão. Tomografia e ressonância magnética posterior mostraram importante redução da formação tu-moral observada anteriormente. Houve melhora das condições clínicas do paciente.
