BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)

Creation, preservation, and study of ampelographic collection in the branch of the SPB “Pushkin and Pavlovsky Laboratories of the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) (St. Petersburg)”

  • Kislin E.N.,
  • Sherov-Ignatiev P.V.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 78
p. 02006


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The article presents data on the creation, preservation, and study of a collection of grape varieties, as well as their wild relatives, including Amur Grape (Vitis amurensis Rupr.), in open ground conditions of the North-West of Russia (St. Petersburg) (59°42.852’ s. w., 30°23.784’ v. d.). More than 50 samples were planted, of which 42 samples were included in the Institute’s database (VIR), both in the permanent (17) and temporary catalog (25). The collection contains representatives of the genera Ampelopsis, Parthenocissus and Vitis (Vitis amurensis Rupr., V. riparia Michx., V. vulpina L., V. labrusca L., V. palmata Vahl., V. coignetiae Pull.), obtained from the harshest places of their native habitat, as well as from the botanical gardens of Russia. Early, cold-resistant varieties and wild-growing forms of the genus Vitis, characterized by stable ripening of the vine and the accumulation of sugars, as well as a low content of organic acids, were attracted. The main grape diseases mildew and oidium were not identified.