Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports (May 2015)
Simulation of junior pupils’ training of ball throsing to vertivcal target
Purpose: determination of motor skills’ peculiarities of junior pupils. Material: the research covered 172 pupils. Results: effectiveness of training of 1-4 forms’ pupils to “ball throw to verticat target” is positively influenced by increasing of starts quantity up to 12, quantity of repetitions in one start - up to 3 with rest interval of 60 sec. For 1st form pupils quantity of repetitions in one start was accentuated; for 2nd form pupils - reduction of rest interval up to 60 sec.; for 3rd form - quantity of starts and quantity of repetitions in one start were accentuated and for 4th form pupils - interaction of quantity of starts and repetitions in one start. Conclusions: experiment permitted to study multi-factor structure of physical training process of 1st-4th forms pupils, to specify optimal correlations of quantity of starts, quantity of repetitions in one start and rest interval in training to “ball throw to target” at physical culture lessons.