Chemical Physics Impact (Jun 2023)
Scope of Bio-based nanoparticle targeted through the cancer zone to deactivate cancer affected cells
Many people around the world die every day due to malignancy. Current methods of treatment are expensive and harmful for unaffected biological cells. Nanoparticles have emerged with the potentiality and rising hope to overcome this problem. This article describes the scopes of nanoparticles to deactivate malignant biological cells in targeted drug delivery. This paper described the working principle of the human immune system. Besides, the synthesis procedures of bio-based nanoparticles are illustrated. The nanoparticle diffusing process is also discussed with the discussion of the drug release process and matrix delivery system. Current research progress with common Renal biological Cell Carcinoma (RCC) is explained. Applications of different nanoparticles for the treatment of kidney cancer cells are shown in a table. This conceptual paper will work as a guide for the researchers to carry out research with nanoparticles to treat malignancy.