VAKKI Publications (Dec 2019)
”Luulen, että tämä työpaikka ja kokemukset voivat saada minut työhön pian” ‒ suomi toisena kielenä -oppijoiden työelämäjakson viestinnällisestä tavoitteenasettelusta
In this article, we focus on the working life training of highly qualified persons with non-Finnish backgrounds from the perspective of communication skills and inclusion experience. In particular, we are interested in both formal and informal inclusion in working life contexts during the working life period. The training period is part of integration training in a Finnish context. Our aim is to identify opportunities to develop the practices of highly educated learners with non-Finnish backgrounds, in terms of language and communication skills development and workplace inclusion. The material consists of the training documentation compiled by the training provider, the ethnographic observation of researchers, and the speaking diaries of two trainees. Our main results show that trainees are able to set goals for their working life training period in many different ways. Language and communication skills develop in real interaction and are an important part of building the experience of inclusion.