S&F_scienzaefilosofia.it (Dec 2017)

Report: Come procede e deve procedere l’evoluzione umana? La domanda per la quale un solo esperto non basta. Convegno: Evoluzione umana. Darwin, i geni, la tecnica. Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e culturali 26 aprile 2017 - Aula Magna del Rettorato (Modena)


Journal volume & issue
no. 18
pp. 282 – 286


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How is going Human Evolution (and must go)? When one Expert is not enough The artificial evolution has been added to the natural one, to such an extent that they are more and more intermingled nowadays and this requires us to focus on the implications of the widespread desire of perfection. Far from neglecting those implications, they have however been answered separately, with the biologists and scientists on the one side and the philosophers and anthropologists on the other. The aim of the conference, of which this constitutes a brief report, was to build bridges between those areas in order to work together in facing one of the most actual problems of our society.
