Antíteses (Jul 2017)
The construction of the Argentinian international identity by Estanislao Zeballos in the pages of Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras
Argentine intellectuals of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries stubbornly reflected on their country, seeking to delineate national characteristics as a means of justifying the importance of Argentina as a newly constituted National State in the face of the economic and social transformations entailed By the large influx of European immigrants. The search for elements that identify the nation, highlighting its particularities in the confrontation with the foreigner and its importance in the American continent are issues that have become fundamental in this period and that are emblematic for the Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras,. In this article, we seek to reflect on the importance of Estanislao Zeballos and his publication, the Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras, especially in relation to the construction of an international identity in Argentina.