Атеротромбоз (Jun 2022)
Current views on antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndrome patients: the place of clopidogrel
Clopidogrel is the most studied P2Y12 receptor blocker and still has no alternative in a number of categories of ACS patients in whom ticagrelor or prasugrel have not been studied or their use is associated with an unacceptably high risk of bleeding. The review is devoted to a detailed consideration of these clinical situations, both in the light of the evidence base for the benefits of clopidogrel andthe practical aspects of its use. Clopidogrel remains the drug of choice in ST-segment elevation ACS patients undergoing thrombolysis, pharmacoinvasive strategy is implemented, and reperfusion therapy is not used at all. In patients with ACS without ST-segment elevation, clopidogrel is preferable in high risk of bleeding. The article discusses in more detail some particular cases of high bleeding risk in ACS patients, in which it is advisable to use clopidogrel: concomitant use of oral anticoagulants, active cancer, chronic kidney disease stages IV-V. Relatively new data on the peculiarities of ACS antiplatelet therapy in the mongoloid race are discussed, which is relevantto the Russian Federation. In real clinical practice, clopidogrel is often used because of intolerance, contraindications or unavailability of more powerful P2Y12 receptor blockers. Affordability, good tolerability, greater safety (including in relation to the development of recurrent minor “annoying” bleedings), single dose clopidogrel and availability of fixed combinations with acetylsalicylic acid result in better adherence to treatment with this drug than with more powerful P2Y12 receptor blockers, which in real-world settings may provide a more optimal treatment outcome. The article discusses approaches to forced de-escalation of antiplatelet therapy – switching from a more potent P2Y12 receptor blocker to clopidogrel. Data is also presented on the study of routine de-escalation at the end of the acute ACS period, both empirical and controlled by functional or genetic tests characterizing the efficacy of clopidogrel. Although routine de-escalation is not currently recommended, randomized trials suggest that this treatment strategy is promising for preventing hemorrhagic complications and reducing the cost of managing patients with ACS.