Energies (Sep 2018)
A Remedial Strategic Scheduling Model for Load Serving Entities Considering the Interaction between Grid-Level Energy Storage and Virtual Power Plants
More renewable energy resources have been connected to the grid with the promotion of global energy strategies, which presents new opportunities for the current electricity market. However, the growing integration of renewable energy also brings more challenges, such as power system reliability and the participants’ marketable behavior. Thus, how to coordinate integrated renewable resources in the electricity market environment has gained increasing interest. In this paper, a bilevel bidding model for load serving entities (LSEs) considering grid-level energy storage (ES) and virtual power plant (VPP) is established in the day-ahead (DA) market. Then, the model is extended by considering contingencies in the intraday (ID) market. Also, according to the extended bidding model, a remedial strategic rescheduling approach for LSE’s daily profit is proposed. It provides a quantitative assessment of LSE’s loss reduction based on contingency forecasting, which can be applied to the power system dispatch to help LSEs deal with coming contingencies. Simulation results verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed method.