Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (Apr 2018)

Evaluasi Rasionalitas Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi di Puskesmas Siantan Hilir Kota Pontianak Tahun 2015

  • Eka Kartika Untari,
  • Alvani Renata Agilina,
  • Ressi Susanti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 32 – 39


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Hypertension is widely known as cardiovascular disease. In addition to resulting heart failure, hypertension can result in kidney failure and cerebrovascular disease. This study was aimed to determine the percentage of treatment rationality of hypertensive patient treatment outpatient in Puskesmas Siantan Hilir Pontianak 2015 which includes the appropriate indication, appropriate drug, appropriate patient, and appropriate dose based on the guideline JNC 7. This study was cross-sectional observational study using retrospective data such as medical records of outpatient hypertension patients in 2015. The total of sample for this research were 92 people. The percentage of using the angiotensin converting enzym inhibitor (captopril) was 47,46%; calcium channel blocker (amlodipine) was 34,75%; tiazid diuretic (hydrochlorothiazid) was 16,10%; loop diuretic (furosemid) was 0, 85%; and potassium sparing (spironolactone) was 0.85%. The therapy rasionality of hypertensive patients in this research were 100% appropriate indication, 70,65% appropriate drug, 100% appropriate patient and 98,91% appropriate dose. The conclusion of this study is that overall treatment that meets all four rational treatment criteria is 69.56%.
