Вопросы современной педиатрии (Mar 2013)

Factors influencing on lactation

  • M. V. Gmoshinskaya

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2
pp. 139 – 141


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All factors influencing on lactation can be divided into 4 groups: organizational, medical, psychological and social. Among the last ones family support, solving of social problems in the family, formation of comfort conditions for breast-feeding, psychological state of the mother and her ability to relax during breast-feeding have the main significance. Formed maternity instinct and developed lactation dominant during pregnancy, understanding of the significance of breast-feeding among the family and society, making of the comfort conditions for breast-feeding in medical institutions of obstetrics and childhood during the second stage of care, in domestic conditions — all these contribute to the maintenance of breast-feeding.
