Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Jul 2005)

Bony fish bycatch in the southern Brazil pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis and F. paulensis) fishery

  • Marcelo Vianna,
  • Tabajara Almeida

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48, no. 4
pp. 611 – 623


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Trawling for pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis and F. paulensis) catches also large quantities of fish, mostly bony fish, which are discarded, as they have no commercial value. Their composition and abundance were studied in an area that corresponded to the southeastern coastline of Brazil. Ninety one species were registered. Incidental fishing affected mainly small individuals and occured throughout the year. The year round rate of bony fish to shrimp catches was 10,5:1,0. Three assemblages of bony fishes could be identified, influenced by the seasonal variation of the water masses, the predominant group being associated with the Coastal Water, another with the penetration of colder waters onto the platform (SACW) and a third group of a more homogenous distribution. The most critical period identified for the bycatch capture was the beginning of the winter, which was due to the overlapping of fish assemblages and the peak of fishing recruitment.A pesca de arrasto direcionada ao camarão-rosa, captura grande quantidade de peixes, em sua maioria teleósteos, que são rejeitados por não possuírem valor comercial. A composição e abundância destes foram estudadas em uma área no litoral sudeste do Brasil. Registramos 91 espécies e observou-se que a pesca incidental age principalmente sobre indivíduos jovens e ocorre durante o ano todo, produzindo um relação entre teleóteos e camarão de 10,5:1,0. Foram identificadas três ictiocenoses influenciadas pela sazonalidade das massas d'água, ocorrendo uma predominante associada a Água Costeira, outra associada a penetração da ACAS na plataforma e uma terceira com distribuição mais homogênea. O período mais crítico, para a captura da ictiofauna acompanhante, é o inicio do inverno devido a sobreposição de ictiocenoses e pico de recrutamento pesqueiro.
