European Psychiatry (Apr 2024)

Application of the identity disorder questionnaire AIDA+LoPF in adolescents with affective pathology and schizotypal disorder

  • M. Zvereva,
  • N. Zvereva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 67
pp. S464 – S464


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Introduction To assess the difference in the personality functioning of adolescents with schizotypal disorder and affective disorders, we used the AIDA + LoPF questionnaires, which are well established as questionnaires for identifying identity disorders in adolescents. We hypothesized that adolescents with affective pathology are much more likely to have identity disorders than adolescents with schizotypal personality disorder. Clinical assessment of diseases was carried out by psychiatrists using ICD-10 Objectives Adolescents with affective disorders -10 (F31), schizotypal disorder adolescents – 11 (F21). Age 12-18 Methods AIDA+LoPF questioners by authors K. Goth & K. Schmeck, Russian version by M. Zvereva & S. Voronova & N. Zvereva Results The table presents statistical analysis data using the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test Table 1. Significant scales of the AIDA questionnaire SCALES AIDA U-CRITERIA P TOTAL SCORE: IDENTITY INTEGRATION AIDA 86,000 0,02 Consolidating emotional self-experience 84,000 0,03 COHERENCE 86,500 0,02 CONSISTENCY IN SELF CONCEPTS 88,500 0,01 AUTONOMY, EGO-STRENGTH 88,000 0,02 INTEGRATING COGNITIVE SELF-EXPERIENCE 88,000 0,02 Table 2. Significant scales of the LoPF questionnaire SCALES LOPF U-CRITERIA P Identity 89,000 0,01 Coherence (Ego-strength) 88,000 0,02 SELF-DIRECTION 89,000 0,01 SELF CONGRUENCE 88,000 0,02 PURPOSEFULNESS 86,000 0,02 Conclusions We have obtained preliminary results that show a difference between the identity disturbance of adolescents with affective pathology and those with schizotypal disorder. Adolescents with affective pathology are much more likely to have various types of identity disorders than adolescents with schizotypal disorder. To clarify this, a larger sample and a wider range of disorders are required Disclosure of Interest None Declared