Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe (Dec 2021)

Ustanowienie sowieckiego systemu przysposobienia obronnego w cywilnych szkołach wyższych we Lwowie (1944-1961)

  • Łarysa Szełestak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13


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ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOVIET SYSTEM OF MILITARY TRAINING IN CIVIL HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF LVIV (1944-1961) This article presents information about the restoration, establishing and opening of higher education institutions in Lviv during the last period of the Second World War and in the first postwar years. The author underscores that the restored universities were already part of the Soviet educational system. According to the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Soviet Union No. 413 of 13 April 1944, the military training of students of higher education institutions was introduced. The main task of the military departments was the military training of students. However, in our research we indicate that the officers of these departments also took an active part in the mass defense, political propaganda and educational work of the universities. The author presents the prosopography of officers, and points to the complex scheme of staffing in the military departments of higher educational institutions, which was the effect of simultaneous subordination of these officers to military and civilian departments. During 1944-1991, the military departments with some differences operated in each civilian higher educational institution in Lviv, but most of these departments were liquidated by 1961-1962 during the military reform.
