Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición ()
The effects of different methods of cooking on proximate, mineral and heavy metal composition of fish and shrimps consumed in the Arabian Gulf
This study analyzed eight cooked species of fish and one species of shrimps (grilled, curried, fried and cooked in rice) commonly consumed in Bahrain for their proximate, mineral and heavy metal content. The results reveled that the protein content was in the range of 22.8-29.2 g/100g, while the fat content was between 2.9-11.9 g/100g. The energy content was the highest in the fried Scomberomorus commerson being 894.2 KJ/100g, followed by Scomberomorus commerson cooked in rice (867.3 KJ/100g). The samples also had a considerable content of sodium ranging from 120-600 mg/100g, potassium (310-560 mg/100g) phosphorous (200- 330 mg/100g), magnesium (26-54 mg/100g) and zinc (0.4-2.0 mg/ 100g), while the other minerals were present to a lower extent. Lead was present to an extent of 0.30 μg/g in the grilled Plectorhinchus sordidus while Lethrinus nebulosus cooked in rice contained 0.35 μg/g of mercury. Cadmium levels were constant at <0.02 μg/g. It can be concluded the traditional methods of cooking fish and shrimps have an effect on their nutrient composition and heavy metal content hence, it is advisable to avoid excessive frying and use minimal salt. In addition, consuming of a wide variety of species of fish and alternating between the various modes of cooking is the best approach to achieve improved dietary habits, minimizing mercury exposure and increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake.