Desafios (Jan 2015)
Cidades sustentáveis e Escolas sustentáveis: projeto coletivo inter/transdisciplinar
This article presents the experience inter/transdisciplinary of a team teachers developed collectively by the fourth year of Pedagogy course, of the State University of Goiás, Campus Inhumas, developed in academic year of 2014. The Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Schools Project was organized in the context of work project (HERNÁNDEZ, 1998), interdisciplinary organization (JAPIASSU, 2003) and transdisciplinarity look (NICOLESCU, 1999; Moraes, 2008; Suanno, 2013, 2014) for complex thinking about sustainable cities (UN Habitat, 2014 ; Letter of Medellin, 2014; Sustainable Cities/MEC Program, 2014; Sustainable Schools/MEC Program, 2013; Metropolis Observatory, 2014), taking an ecosystem reflection, complex and phenomenological.