Journal of Oral Research and Review (Jan 2018)
Effect of nutrition in edentulous geriatric patients
Everyone aims to achieve perfect health. It is an industry of its own. People across all ages implement various procedures to attain good health. Physical health is closely related to dental health. There can be no complete fitness attained without attaining complete oral health. An unhealthy mouth might be a source of an unhealthy body and vice versa. The aged are often grieved with dental health issues. Dentistry for them needs more awareness and research. Especially, since with them, there is a bundle of other factors coming in, such as certain biological factors, nutrient receptiveness to various food items, loss of enzymes and glandular secretions, and decreased adaptability. Tissue regeneration in the aged is definitely very low. Therefore, the approach toward them has to be different and caution needs to be acknowledged. The present article will give an overview of Geriatric management in edentulous patients, why we need to review it, how it should be done, the role of nutrition, and research in dentistry for the elderly.