International Journal of Strategic Property Management (Dec 2005)

The analysis of conflicts concerning urban area use: A case of Olsztyn (Poland)

  • Sabina Zróbek,
  • Magdalena Zachaś

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 4


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The aim of this study was to analyze the conflicts that arise in Poland at the stage of working out (elaborating) local spatial management plans, issuing development orders concerning land development conditions and building permits, and the conflicts that are reported by the inhabitants to the municipal police. The analysis of the conflicts was conducted on the example of the city of Olsztyn. The research focuses on the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the conflicts, and examines the causes for their existence. The goal of the study was to emphasize the importance of conflict identification while making the decisions referring to land use. Konfliktų dėl naudojimosi teritorija analizė: Olšyno atvejis (Lenkija) Santrauka Šio tyrimo tikslas ‐ išanalizuoti konfliktus, kylančius Lenkijoje kuriant (tobulinant) vietinius erdves valdymo planus, išleidžiant isakymus del sklypu pletros salygu ir išduodant statybos leidimus, taip pat konfliktus, apie kuriuos miesto policijai praneša gyventojai. Konfliktu analize buvo atlikta remiantis Olštyno miesto pavyzdžiu. Tyrime daugiausia demesio skirta kiekybiniams ir kokybiniams konfliktu aspektams, nagrinejamos ju priežastys. Tyrimo tikslas ‐ pabrežti konfliktu identifikavimo svarba priimant sprendimus del sklypu naudojimo. First Published online: 18 Oct 2010
