Neuro-Fuzzy System for Compensating Slow Disturbances in Adaptive Mold Level Control
Guillermo González-Yero,
Reynier Ramírez Leyva,
Mercedes Ramírez Mendoza,
Pedro Albertos,
Alfons Crespo-Lorente,
Juan Manuel Reyes Alonso
Guillermo González-Yero
Development and Innovation Group, Automation Group, Steelworks Technology Group, ACINOX Las Tunas, Circunvalante Norte km 3 ½, Zona Industrial, Las Tunas 75100, Cuba
Reynier Ramírez Leyva
Development and Innovation Group, Automation Group, Steelworks Technology Group, ACINOX Las Tunas, Circunvalante Norte km 3 ½, Zona Industrial, Las Tunas 75100, Cuba
Mercedes Ramírez Mendoza
Department of Automatic Control, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Oriente, Ave. de Las Américas, Santiago de Cuba 90600, Cuba
Pedro Albertos
Institute of Automation and Industrial Informatics, Universitat Politècnica deValència, C/ Vera, 46071 Valencia, Spain
Alfons Crespo-Lorente
Institute of Automation and Industrial Informatics, Universitat Politècnica deValència, C/ Vera, 46071 Valencia, Spain
Juan Manuel Reyes Alonso
Development and Innovation Group, Automation Group, Steelworks Technology Group, ACINOX Las Tunas, Circunvalante Norte km 3 ½, Zona Industrial, Las Tunas 75100, Cuba
Good slow disturbances attenuation in a mold level control with stopper rod is very important for avoiding several product defects and keeping down casting interruptions. The aim of this work is to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis and compensation of an adaptive mold level control method for slow disturbances related to changes of stopper rod. The advantages offered by the architecture, called Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference System, were used for training a previous model. This allowed learning based on the process data from a steel cast case study, representing all intensity levels of valve erosion and clogging. The developed model has high accuracy in its functional relationship between two compact input variables and the compensation coefficient of the valve gain variations. The future implementation of this proposal will consider a combined training of the model, which would be very convenient for maintaining good accuracy in the Fuzzy Inference System using new data from the process.