Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (Sep 2021)
Control system with a non-parametric predictive algorithm for a high-speed rotating machine with magnetic bearings
This paper deals with research on the magnetic bearing control systems for a high-speed rotating machine. Theoretical and experimental characteristics of the control systems with the model algorithmic control (MAC) algorithm and the proportional-derivative (PD) algorithm are presented. The MAC algorithm is the non-parametric predictive control method that uses an impulse response model. A laboratory model of the rotor-bearing unit under study consists of two active radial magnetic bearings and one active axial (thrust) magnetic bearing. The control system of the rotor position in air gaps consists of the fast prototyping control unit with a signal processor, the input and output modules, power amplifiers, contactless eddy current sensors and the host PC with dedicated software. Rotor displacement and control current signals were registered during investigations using a data acquisition (DAQ) system. In addition, measurements were performed for various rotor speeds, control algorithms and disturbance signals generated by the control system. Finally, the obtained time histories were presented, analyzed and discussed in this paper.