Journal of Engineering (Apr 2024)
Single Spike Neural Network Model for Superficial Environment Classification for Mobile Robot Navigation
In this work, a single Semi-Recurrent Spike Neural Network (SRSNN) supervised learning method based on time coding is proposed to classify visual terrain encountered by the mobile robot. To this end, the features are extracted using the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) method. Then, the SRSNN is trained to classify multi-class of terrains. This training is used to classify six classes of terrain: hydrop, gravel, asphalt, grass, mud, and sand. The proposed training algorithm is based on adaptive synaptic weights that reach the threshold value. The feature extracted method and SRSNN form the proposed Intelligent structure. This structure effectively evaluates the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. The simulation results achieve good performance in minimizing the mean square error in the training phase and maximizing the overall accuracy to 87.22%, especially in dangerous terrain (i.e. hydrop). The effectiveness of the proposed model is proved by the efficiency of the training algorithm which can learn fast with accurate results.