Mìžnarodnij Endokrinologìčnij Žurnal (May 2012)
Incidence and Etiology of Various Types of Hypercorticoidism in Childhood, Adolescence and Youth According to Retrospective Analysis
In this article authors discussed data regarding incidence and structure of hypercorticoidism causes in children and adolescents. On the basis of retrospective data of patients during 10 years they established, that among patients with various forms of hypercorticoidism in this age period there were more patients with Itsenko — Cushing’s disease (pituitary microadenomas) — 26 (66.6 %) as compared with patients with Itsenko — Cushing’s syndrome — 4 (10.2 %) and other form of hypercorticoidism: juvenile dispituitarism — 7 (17.9 %), obesity with disorder of ACTH/cortisol rhythm secretion — 1 (2.5 %), and iatrogenic hypercorticoidism — 1 (2.5 %).