Scientific Reports (Dec 2024)
Estimation of the size, density, and demographic distribution of the UK pet dog population in 2019
Abstract There is limited knowledge about the size of the UK dog population. This makes it difficult to reliably monitor population dynamics and management. A repeatable method of measuring the UK dog population, including owned and unowned dogs i.e., those housed long term by animal welfare charities, would help inform interventions to reduce risks to dog welfare such as poor breeding practices and the illegal import of young or pregnant dogs. However, estimating the total dog population in the UK is not straightforward. Although several estimates of dog numbers have been previously suggested, differing methodologies and limited public access to data sources makes comparison and replication difficult. In this study, we compiled a comprehensive dataset of UK pet dogs in 2019, from multiple sources, including a breed registry, veterinary corporations, pet insurance companies, animal welfare charities and an academic institution. Using a hierarchical Bayesian N-mixture model, we estimate 12.64 million (mean, 95% CI 8.54–15.16 million; median, 13.03 million, 95% CI 8.51–15.24 million) owned and unowned pet dogs within the UK in 2019. Estimates were modelled at the postcode area scale, allowing for aggregation to region or country level, as well as providing associated metrics of uncertainty. Furthermore, we provide spatial demographic estimates, regarding age, breed, cephalic index, and body size. Establishing a population baseline offers significant analytical benefits to welfare, veterinary, epidemiological, and business stakeholders alike: as it provides the spatial data required to underpin robust canine welfare strategies and campaigns. We plan to repeat the described process, in order to provide ongoing estimates: allowing for the interrogation of changes to the UK pet dog population over space and time.