Jurnal Paedagogy (Oct 2023)
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Digital dengan Pendekatan Collaborative Learning Menggunakan Padlet untuk Meningkatkan Writing Skills Siswa
This research aims to analyze the feasibility and effectiveness of digital teaching materials with a collaborative learning approach using Padlet to improve students' ability to write explanatory texts. This research used research and development methods with a 4D model. The subjects of this research were Nida El-Adabi Islamic Middle School students in class VIII. Interviews, observations, and questionnaires were data collection instruments, then analyzed using percentage analysis techniques and the N-Gain effectiveness test. This research showed that the material test results obtained an average percentage of 90.9% (very feasible), and the media test results obtained 65.5% (feasible). In the assessment of one-to-one student trials, the score was 81.77%, while for small group trials, it was 88.02%. In the effectiveness test, it was found to be 81.55% (very feasible). The results of the initial writing ability assessment of the participants got a score of 75.83, and the results of the students' responses after the development got a score of 86.97. Developing digital teaching materials to improve writing skills using a collaborative learning approach using Padlet is very suitable for helping students improve their writing skills.