Педиатрическая фармакология (Dec 2015)

Micronutrients in Children’s Diets and Use of Vitamin/Mineral Complexes

  • V. M. Kodentsova,
  • O. A. Gromova,
  • S. G. Makarova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 5
pp. 537 – 542


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Optimal provision of children with micronutrients determines their normal growth, mental and physical development, as well as health in general. Even a sufficiently energy demand-adequate and calorie-excessive diet comprised of natural products for children does not provide a child’s body with a whole range of micronutrients. Due to insufficient stay of a child in the sun and long stay indoors, endogenous vitamin D synthesis in skin induced by ultraviolet exposure does not fulfill a body’s need in this vitamin. As vitamin deficiency is usually accompanied by mineral deficiency, it is reasonable to prescribe vitamin/mineral complexes (VMC). High prevalence of polyhypoavitaminosis substantiates the use of coformulated vitamin forms in children’s diets. Simultaneous vitamin intake is more physiologically natural; combination of vitamins is more effective than separate or isolated prescription of each of them. Preventive doses, i.e. the doses close to the physiological vitamin need of a child’s body ensure the diet’s vitamin adequacy, reduce the risk of vitamin deficiency and its consequences. Effectiveness of VMC use has been confirmed both for treatment and prevention of allergic diseases in children. The main requirement to VMC for children is the full range of vitamins and minerals, the deficiency whereof is identified especially often, in the doses fulfilling needs of a growing child.
