BMC Health Services Research (Dec 2019)

Outpatient mental healthcare service use among women with migrant background in Norway: a national register study

  • Melanie Straiton,
  • Karina Corbett,
  • Anna-Clara Hollander,
  • Lars Johan Hauge

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 1
pp. 1 – 11


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Abstract Background Studies show that migrant women are at greater risk of common mental disorders than the majority population, yet underrepresented in healthcare services. This study investigates the use of outpatient mental healthcare services over a five-year period among migrant and descendant women compared to majority women in Norway. Methods Using linked national registry data, we selected all women resident in Norway between 2009 and 2013 (N = 1,834,822). We conducted generalised estimated equations with logistic regression to assess if the odds of using outpatient mental healthcare services differed for migrant and descendant women compared to majority women. We also conducted generalised estimated equations with negative binomial regression to calculate consultation incidence rate ratios for migrant and descendant women relative to majority women among those with a common mental disorder. Results Both migrant and descendant women had lower odds (OR = 0.47 and OR = 0.60 respectively) of using outpatient mental healthcare services than majority women. Odds of using services increased with length of residency. We also found significant variation by country of origin. Among women with common mental disorders who had used services, migrants, but not descendants, had a lower consultation rate ratio than majority women. Analyses by region of origin revealed that this did not apply to women from EU European countries, North America and Australia and New Zealand. Conclusion Women with migrant background are, overall, underrepresented in OPMH services. Findings indicate that migrant women may not only experience barriers to seeking and accessing care but also in maintaining access to care. This may especially be the case for newly arrived migrant women and women from non-Western countries. Treatment may not be culturally adapted for these groups. Closer investigation of the barriers migrant women experience after using OPMH services is required.
