Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas (Dec 2006)
Territorial pacts and local development agencies: the adaptation of these instruments to the Lower Tocantins territory
Development is mainly a political process which asks for mechanisms to affirm social needs. These mechanisms have to be regulated by norms created to confront opposite interests, deal agreements, implement actions e valuate results, all that at different spatial levels. The development founded on social deliberation claims methodologies and technics, whose formulation the territorial pacts and the development local agencies can give inspiration for. In the contexts of Amazon, the reinforcement of norms would come to avoid the legge of the jungle, where the powerfull dominate the weaker ones. Besides refraining abuses, the norms and methodologies also serve to promote virtuous processes related to the use of new methodologies and new social and produtive relationships. The development is therefore a problem of compatibilizazion of political ethics, technical norms and methodologies of social emancipation. Does not exist universal prescriptions, but certain principles and mechanisms of the european regional politics can inspirate new pratics in Amazon.