Revista de Management Comparat International (Dec 2017)
Reflections on Some Complex Management Methods: Management by Objectives and Management Based on Profit Centres
Management methodologization is undoubtedly the most important means of professionalizing managers and management, as well as a major direction of optimizing the organization’s management. This statement is supported by two important arguments: the first refers to the content of the methodological component of management – the management instruments and the methodologies for designing, redesigning and maintaining the operation of the management system and its subsystems – , and the second one refers to the functions that this component fulfils within the organization’s management – scientizing the performance of managers and ensuring the methodological support for the performance of management processes. If the management instruments that should be used by those leading and managing the organization or its organizational subdivisions include management systems (complex methods), methods and techniques, such as management by objectives, management based on profit centres, management by projects, management by exception, diagnosis, SWOT analysis, dashboards, decision-making methods, creativity methods, cost management methods, etc., the methodologies used are both general (the managerial reengineering methodology, the strategic management methodology) and specific (the methodologies of redesigning each management component, the methodologies of promoting and using management systems, methods and techniques, etc.) . Management by objectives and management based of profit centres stand out both as management instruments, as well as through the methodologies that they focus on. The content, characteristics, manner of operationalization and use, implications for the functionality, efficiency and efficacy of the organization and its management are just a few specific elements of the two management systems that we are going to refer to.