HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies (Jan 1994)
Sistematies verwronge kommunikasie in Lukas 14:1-6: Die dialekties-kritiese teorie van Jürgen Habermas krities bespreek
Systematically distorted communication in Luke 14:1-6: A critical assessment of the dialectical-critical theory of Jürgen Habermas In this article the epistemology and essence of the practical interest of Jürgen Habermas’s dialectical-critical theory is discussed, focusing on his concept of systematically distorted communication. The article aims at describing the theory of communicative competence or universal pragmatics by means of an exegetical study of Luke 14:1-6. The appropriation of Habermas’s theory on Luke 14:1-6 is assessed from the perspective of some results of the recent social-scientific studies of the New Testament.