Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften (Nov 2022)

Vorzüge von Auszügen – Urheberrechtlich geschützte Texte in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften (nach-)nutzen

  • Melanie Andresen,
  • Markus Gärtner,
  • Sibylle Hermann,
  • Janina Jacke,
  • Nora Ketschik,
  • Felicitas Kleinkopf,
  • Jonas Kuhn,
  • Axel Pichler,



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In order to avoid copyright restrictions on the exchange of research results from the outset, many researchers in the digital humanities focus on texts in the public domain. To overcome this problematic limitation of the subject matter, Schöch et al. 2020 propose so-called derived text formats that support digital analysis procedures but sufficiently alienate the text from a copyright perspective. The XSample project is developing a complementary solution that leverages permission to share excerpts from copyrighted text (in plain text). The research-driven approach allows groups interested in reuse to optimize the maximum allowed excerpt volume along their own research questions.
