Biotecnología Vegetal (Jul 2003)
Use of Temporary Immersion Systems in the multiplication and germination of somatic embryos of banana (Musa sp.) Cultivar Grande Naine (AAA) and papaya (Carica papaya L. var. Red Maradol)
The method consisted of sowing embryogenic culture in Filtration Systems “Sartorius” autoclaveable of 250 ml of capacity. Different densities inoculum that varied in dependency of the culture were used(250 mg for banana and groups of 10 to 12 somatic embryos in the case of papaya). In this case two types of culture medium for the multiplication of the embryos were studied. For the banana, the modified, MS medium with Picloram 2 mg.l-1 and the modified MS with the combination of 6 BAP and AIA, and for the papaya embryos the modified MS medium with two concentrations of 2,4-D (1 and 2 mg.l-1). The frequency was of three timesa day during a minute. For the germination, the multiplication culture medium was modiffied by the MS supplemented with 0.5 mg.l-1 de 6 BAP, 2 mg.l-1 de AIA, sucrose 3% for banana, studying two concentrations of inoculum 500 and 1 000 mg.l-1 and for papaya the modified MS with 0.5 mg.l-1 of 6 BAP, 0.01 mg.l-1 of Biobras-6 (an equivalent of brassinosteroid) 0.6 mg.l-1 of riboflavin and sucrose 2%. As a result for the banana the best results were achieved in the modified MS without Picloram, obtaining after two months, multiplication rates twenty times higher than in the culture medium containing this auxin. Germination values between 70-82% were achieved after three months. In papaya was possible to multiply the somatic embryos obtaining, after 45 days multiplication coefficients of forty in the culture medium with 1 mg.l-1of 2,4-D and 87% of germination. Key words: auxin, Carica papaya, liquid medium, Musa,