A Study of the Features of Coating Deposition on a Carbide Substrate Using Preliminary Etching with Glow-Discharge Plasma
Sergey Grigoriev,
Marina Volosova,
Yuri Bublikov,
Catherine Sotova,
Filipp Milovich,
Anton Seleznev,
Ilya Shmakov,
Alexey Vereschaka
Sergey Grigoriev
Department of High-Efficiency Machining Technologies, Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”, Vadkovsky Lane 3a, 127055 Moscow, Russia
Marina Volosova
Department of High-Efficiency Machining Technologies, Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”, Vadkovsky Lane 3a, 127055 Moscow, Russia
Yuri Bublikov
Institute of Design and Technological Informatics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IDTI RAS), Vadkovsky Lane 18a, 127055 Moscow, Russia
Catherine Sotova
Department of High-Efficiency Machining Technologies, Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”, Vadkovsky Lane 3a, 127055 Moscow, Russia
Filipp Milovich
Department of Materials Science of Semiconductors and Dielectrics, National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Leninsky Prospect 4, 119049 Moscow, Russia
Anton Seleznev
Department of High-Efficiency Machining Technologies, Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”, Vadkovsky Lane 3a, 127055 Moscow, Russia
Ilya Shmakov
Department of Digital and Additive Technologies, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education, MIREA—Russian Technological University, Vernadsky Avenue, 78, 119454 Moscow, Russia
Alexey Vereschaka
Institute of Design and Technological Informatics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IDTI RAS), Vadkovsky Lane 18a, 127055 Moscow, Russia
The properties of coatings obtained using two surface preparation methods were compared: heating and etching by ion bombardment with plasma generation by arc evaporators and heating and etching by a glow discharge. A Ti-TiN-(Ti,Cr,Al)N coating was deposited. The use of a glow discharge provides better resistance of the coating to destruction during the scratch test and wear resistance of metal-cutting tools when turning steel. As the cutting speed increases, the advantage in wear resistance of the coating deposited using a glow discharge increases. During the process of heating and etching by ion bombardment with metal ions, a nanolayer rich in cobalt and tooling elements (iron, molybdenum) is formed in the area of the interface of the coating and the carbide substrate. When heated and etched by a glow discharge, such a layer does not form. When using both methods, there is identical diffusion of tungsten into the coating and diffusion of chromium and possibly titanium into the substrate. Thus, the glow-discharge heating and etching method can be effectively used in the process of PVD coating deposition.