Zhongguo youzhi (May 2023)
云南3种有色泡核桃仁营养成分 及仁衣中多酚类物质分析Analysis of nutritional components in kernels and polyphenols in coat of three colored Juglans sigillata in Yunnan
为促进云南核桃品种选育和深加工产品研发,对‘娘青’‘宣红’和‘紫金’3种云南有色泡核桃仁的基本营养成分、矿物质元素、脂肪酸组成及仁衣中多酚类物质含量进行测定 。结果表明:3种有色泡核桃仁中均含有大量的脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白质,含量分别为58.2~59.6、18.9~199、15.4~16.4 g/100 g,均检测出2种维生素,其中维生素C以‘娘青’中含量最高,为17.9 mg/100 g,维生素E以‘宣红’含量最高,达19.2 mg/100 g;检出的6种矿物质元素中,常量元素Ca和微量元素Fe含量均以‘紫金’最高,分别为8 718.6、224.6 μg/g;3种核桃仁共检出21种脂肪酸,其中11种为不饱和脂肪酸,主要为亚油酸,以‘紫金’中的含量最高,为67.49%;3种核桃仁衣中均检测出7种多酚类物质,‘紫金’中含量最高,其次为‘宣红’,‘娘青’最低。综上,3种云南有色泡核桃仁均具丰富的营养组分,开发价值较高。 In order to promote the variety breeding and the deep processing products research of walnut varieties in Yunnan, the content of basic nutrients, mineral elements, fatty acids composition in the kernels and polyphenols in kernel coat of three colored Juglans sigillata Niangqing, Xuanhong and Zijin in Yunnan were determined. The results showed that the contents of fat, carbohydrate and protein in three colored Juglans sigillata were 58.2-59.6, 18.9-19.9 g/100 g and 15.4-16.4 g/100 g, respectively. Two kinds of vitamins were detected, among which the content of vitamin C was the highest in Niangqing(17.9 mg/100 g), and the content of vitamin E was the highest in Xuanhong(19.2 mg/100 g). Among the six mineral elements detected, the content of the macroelement Ca and the trace element Fe were the highest in Zijin, which were 8 718.6 μg/g and 224.6 μg/g, respectively. A total of 21 fatty acids were detected in the kernels of three colored Juglans sigillata, 11 of which were unsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic acid. The linolenic acid content in Zijing was the highest (67.49%). Seven kinds of polyphenols were detected in the three colored Juglans sigillata kernel coats. In terms of the content of seven polyphenols, Zijin was the highest, followed by Xuanhong, and Niangqing was the lowest. In conclusion, the kernels of the three colored Juglans sigillata in Yunnan are rich in nutritional components and have high development value.