MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2017)

Energy recovery from Municipal Solid Waste in EU: proposals to assess the management performance under a circular economy perspective

  • Rada Elena Cristina,
  • Cioca Lucian-Ionel,
  • Ionescu Gabriela

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 121
p. 05006


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In 2015 the European Commission issued a package of documents on Circular Economy concerning an integrated revision of legislative proposals on waste management. The aim was to stimulate a European transition towards a circular economy concept, which is expected to foster competitiveness, sustainable economic growth and new jobs generation. Three indicators are proposed in this paper to contribute to the assessment of the energy recovery management performance from MSW in a scenario of circular economy: a) referring to MSW directly used (RMSW) or indirectly used (SRF) as input of thermochemical plants, an indicator can be the percentage of waste having LHV > 13MJ/kg; b) referring to the MSW directly or indirectly used as input of thermochemical plants, the percentage of waste having ash recovered; c) referring to food waste, percentage of this stream sent to anaerobic digestion. The above indicators, proposed and discussed in this paper, have to be integrated with other ones in order to complete the quantification of the role of MSW management in term of energy recovery under a circular economy strategy. It is not the aim of the present paper to give a comprehensive solution to this complex issue.