Bìznes Inform (Mar 2014)
Economic Integration of Ukraine in the Context of Bipolar Concept Realisation
The article considers a possibility and necessity of realisation of the bipolar concept of formation of the trade and economic mode of Ukraine at the level of free trade zones both with EU and Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (CU) / CIS. The concept of simultaneous functioning of the extended zone of free trade (Association Agreement of Ukraine with EU) and free trade agreement with CU / CIS countries could be realised on the a la carte principle based on fundamental agreements of WTO and international practices. The goal of the article lies in consideration of institutional specific features of the bipolar concept of economic integration of Ukraine with EU and CU / CIS, relying on modern scientific views on development of economic integration under conditions of the so-called Euro-pause. The article draws a conclusion that negative integration has a high potential of realisation for Ukraine and Russia. It proves falseness of the opinion about dissension of simultaneous existence of the free trade zone of Ukraine with EU and CU / CIS from institutional positions.