Вестник Российского экономического университета имени Г. В. Плеханова (Mar 2024)
Challenges and Prospects of Developing Light Industry in Russia
Today enterprises of light industry face serious problems arising due to competition with Asian companies, problems with investment and staff. Comparative analysis of key figures of light industry in Russia and China shows considerable backwardness of Russian enterprises by the level of fund-equipment and labour productivity. At the same time, it should be noted that in Russian light industry there are enterprises with high fund-equipment but low fund-return and not very high labour productivity. The author came to the conclusion that low efficiency of enterprises of light industry can form the initial cause of current problems. It was shown that the principle way of developing light industry is modernization of technological processes on the basis of advanced digital technologies, artificial intellect, robot-engineering, acute scientific solutions in management, which could give an opportunity to cut the need in unskilled personnel, to raise labolur productivity and the quality of products and cut prime cost and final price. Apart from that to resolve problems of efficiency it is necessary to take into account individual conditions of enterprise functioning and improve quality of management. When decisions aimed at measures of state support for enterprises of light industry are made, including investment, it is needed to take into consideration their technological standing to elaborate grounded strategy of support, development and control.