Vìsnik Unìversitetu ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ: Serìâ Pedagogìka ì Psihologiâ (Feb 2021)
This empirical study aims to ascertain the main training-factors related challenges and stressors in the military institutes; to identify the factors contributing to the formation of cadets’ psychological resilience; to define the nature of cadets’ psychological resilience. The verbal-communicative method of survey was chosen as the research method; a questionnaire was used as a tool for survey research. The main stressors for cadets are: 1) heavy workload caused through the specifics of higher military educational institution training during which intensive training program is combined with the hardship of performing military service; this entails a lack of sleep and chronic fatigue; 2) the limitation of basic needs. Such factors as boredom, unfavorable social and psychological climate in the unit, incomprehensibility of orders are defined as stress-traumatic agents by a small number of cadets and are irrelevant for the most cadets. The main factors contributing to the formation of cadets’ psychological resilience to the effects of stress agents are: 1) aiming for positive emotional experience, enthusiasm, vivacity, optimism, joviality, ability to adapt to changes; 2) physical activity, maintaining physical fitness; 3) emotional, material, informational, moral support of relatives. Minimization of adverse impacts mainly occurs due to factors on the individual level. It turned out that under stressful conditions cadets try to expand the patterns of positive emotional experiences, to enrich their palette, due to which they maintain their enthusiasm, activity, cheerfulness and optimism. This approach is imlemented through playing computer adventurous games, listening to music, watching movies and videos, reading books, obtaining pleasure from certain types of food and drinks (sweets, tea, coffee, etc.), hobbies. Only a small number of respondents believe that team-level factors (friendships, participation in protocols, ceremonies, institutional policies) have a positive effect on cadets’ capacity to adapt to stress. Furthermore, the respondents are far from contemplating unit-level factors like contributing to cadets’ psychological stability. The backbone for cadets’ psychological resilience is: 1) personal assets (internal factors) aimed at maintaining a constant level of happiness and well-being in the face of stressors; 2) the ability to persevere despite difficulties; and 3) the use of coping mechanisms that promote positive psychological adaptation despite the influence of adverse factors.