E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)
Synergetic approach in the design of architectural systems for harsh climatic conditions
Architecture is characterized by a correction of design approaches that take into account new discoveries. Changing scientific paradigm also influences this process by introducing extra details into the architectural objects workflows. The synergistic paradigm that influences mostly appears in the tendency to create architecture that meets the ideal standards of sustainable design, capable design which is of self-development and self-regulation. A unique feature of the synergistic paradigm that can fundamentally change the approach to design is its relation to the evolutionary process. According to this concept, evolution in its path passes through points of bifuciation – special states of instability – when possible ways of further development are clear and it becomes possible for us to choose and follow one of them. This approach takes into account changing data and corrects decisions during the process. This is especially relevant when designing architectural objects for harsh climate conditions, as additional difficulties may arise in the process of construction and operation, and the unexpectedly arising issues, which may unanticipated arise itself during the usage of the object and can have a disastrous effects on it.