Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Apr 2024)
“Stars and s-tri-pe”: la politica estera ne “La Voce della Fogna”
This essay examines the positions taken in foreign policy by the periodical «La Voce della Fogna», founded by the leader of the radical right youth Marco Tarchi and an expression of the most heterodox youth current that arose within the Italian Social Movement in the aftermath of the 1968 protests. The aim is to understand what were the original features expressed by the magazine compared to the line of the MSI leadership. The first part focuses on the analysis of the political and cultural context that has arisen in the MSI since its foundation through the use of historiography on the subject. The second is dedicated to the study of the positions taken by the periodical on the main international political issues, proceeding by macro areas.