Musicologica Brunensia (Oct 2009)

Jiří Vysloužil a hudební lexikografie

  • Petr Macek

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 44, no. 1


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The treatise follows Jiří Vysloužil's activity in the field of music lexicography from his early beginnings until present. His interest in this activity was first aroused by his university teacher Bohumír Štědroň who engaged him immediately in his project of the Czechoslovak Music Dictionary of Persons and Institutions (Československý hudební slovník osob a institucí). Already in 1966 Vysloužil, together with Jiří Fukač, founded the project of the Dictionary of Czech Music Culture (Slovník české hudební kultury). As the head of the Cabinet for Music Lexicography, he and his team directed the editorial activities until 1990, when he was succeeded by his long-term collaborator Jiří Fukač. This dictionary was published in 1997. Vysloužil also participated in most significant international musicolexicographical projects (The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London 1980; Pipers Enzyklopädie des Musiktheaters. Oper. Operette. Musical. Balett, Munchen - Zurich 1986 - 1997; Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Kassel 1995; The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London 2001; Lexikon zur deutschen Musikkultur Böhmen, Mähren, Sudetenschlesien, München 2002). Vysloužil is also author of the two-volume Music Dictionary for Everyone (Hudební slovník pro každého): I. factual volume, Vizovice 1995, 350 p.; II. nominal volume, composers and writers on music, Vizovice 1999, 650 p. Vysloužil also published several expert studies dedicated to the problems of music lexicography (especially the study K tradicím a současným úkolům naší hudební lexikografie, Opus musicum 2, 1970, No. 2, pp 33-36; No. 3, pp 65-6; German version: Über die Traditionen und die gegenwärtigen Aufgaben der tschechischen Musiklexikographie, SPFFBU 20, 1971, H6, pp 7-23).