Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (Dec 2024)
Exploring pattern-specific components associated with hand gestures through different sEMG measures
Abstract For surface electromyography (sEMG) based human–machine interaction systems, accurately recognizing the users’ gesture intent is crucial. However, due to the existence of subject-specific components in sEMG signals, subject-specific models may deteriorate when applied to new users. In this study, we hypothesize that in addition to subject-specific components, sEMG signals also contain pattern-specific components, which is independent of individuals and solely related to gesture patterns. Based on this hypothesis, we disentangled these two components from sEMG signals with an auto-encoder and applied the pattern-specific components to establish a general gesture recognition model in cross-subject scenarios. Furthermore, we compared the characteristics of the pattern-specific information contained in three categories of EMG measures: signal waveform, time-domain features, and frequency-domain features. Our hypothesis was validated on an open source database. Ultimately, the combination of time- and frequency-domain features achieved the best performance in gesture classification tasks, with a maximum accuracy of 84.3%. For individual feature, frequency-domain features performed the best and were proved most suitable for separating the two components. Additionally, we intuitively visualized the heatmaps of pattern-specific components based on the topological position of electrode arrays and explored their physiological interpretability by examining the correspondence between the heatmaps and muscle activation areas.