Системные гипертензии (Dec 2019)
New approaches to the analysis of daily variability of sinus rhythm in assessing the antihypertensive effect of various drugs
Aim. Identify in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) the peculiarities of the effect of various classes of antihypertensive drugs on the daily variability of sinus rhythm (HRV). Material and methods. We examined 29 patients with grade 1-2 degree essential AH aged 32 to 60 years (16 men and 13 women) using bifunctional monitoring of ECG and blood pressure before and after treatment with bisoprolol, amlodipine, lisinopril and a combination consisting of lisinopril and amlodipine. We evaluated the hypotensive effect of the drugs associated with the distribution of heart rate during the day and the amount of HRV corresponding to different ranges of heart rate. Results. In cases where the antihypertensive effect (AE) of bisoprolol was expressed, the initial HRV values in the heart rate ranges close to 75 beats/min were significantly greater than in the absence of effect. After treatment, in the presence of AE of bisoprolol, a significant decrease in HRV parameters was observed in these heart rate ranges. AE of amlodipine was associated with an initially high heart rate concentration in the ranges close to 75 beats/min. The efficacy of lisinopril and the combination of lisinopril with amlodipine was associated with an initially high heart rate concentration in the range 69-83 beats/min and its decrease during the treatment. Conclusion. With a random set of patients and a random choice of drugs for the treatment of AH, the presence and absence of an antihypertensive effect was accompanied by statistically significant differences in the initial values and in the dynamics of HRV parameters.