Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2009)

Trirazsežnostni pristopi za modeliranje stavb, mest in pokrajin : Three-Dimensional Approaches for Modelling Buildings, Cities and Landscapes

  • Radoš Šumrada

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 53, no. 4
pp. 695 – 713


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SI: V članku je podan pregled razvoja in možnosti za uporabo odprtokodnih načinov za modeliranje trirazsežnih (3D) prikazov objektov, stavb, naselij in pokrajin. Poleg kratkega pregleda različnih specifičnih pristopov CAD so predstavljeni trije odprtokodnipristopi in prenosni formati, ki temeljijo na metajeziku za označevanje podatkov XML: KML, X3D in CityGML. Opisane so značilnosti, prednosti in slabosti teh treh na XML temelječih pristopov ter težave, ki se pojavijo pri tovrstnem razvoju in uporabi. Posebej so predstavljeni uporaba in lastnosti najbolj obetavnega pristopa CityGML, ki poleg 3D-upodabljanja in prenosa prostorskih podatkov omogoča vgraditev hierarhije oziroma agregacije razredov ter dodajanje semantičnih in tematskih lastnosti objektov. Orisana so glavna obstoječa in potencialna področja uporabe navideznih 3D-modelov stvarnosti na splošno in posebej za geodetsko stroko. EN: This paper presents an overview of the development and possibilities of open source approaches for the modelling of 3D objects, buildings, urban and rural environments. Besides the short overview of some specific CAD approaches, this paper focuses on the three open-source solutions and transfer formats that are based on the XML meta-language for data marking: KML, X3D and CityGML. Thecharacteristics, advantages and disadvantages of all the solutions based on the XML are outlined; difficulties and obstacles that still may hinder their future development are also given. The features andapplications of the most promising CityGML approach are described in more detail, which, besides the 3D visualization and spatial data transfer role, offers implementation of class aggregation hierarchies, and the addition of semantic and thematic properties ofobjects. The concluding remarks specify the main existent and potential application domains for virtual 3D models of reality, also in the field of surveying.
