Physical Activity Journal (Mar 2022)
Pengembangan Modul Guru Pada Materi Variasi dan Kombinasi Gerak Lokomotor dan Manipulatif untuk SMALB
The current condition in some schools is that there are still a small number of teachers who use modules as teaching tools. The purpose of research and development is to develop a teacher modules inadaptive physical education learning materials for variations and combinations of locomotor and manipulative movements for class X SMALB autism. This research and development design is descriptive quantitative with the Research and Development method using the ADDIE model. Those 5 stages are Analyze, Design, Develop, implement and Evaluate.Subjects involved in this study were nine students with autism class X SMALB and eighteenteachers. This research was conducted in small group and large group trials. There is a percentage of small group trial results that is 88% included in the very valid category and the percentage of large group trial results that is 94% included in the very valid category. So, the teacher modules in adaptive physical educationlearning materials for variations and combinations of locomotor and manipulative movements for class X SMALB autism is appropriate for use in learning activities.