ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research (Jul 2021)

Patient Flows, Patient Distribution Computations and Medicines Accounting in the Pharmacoeconomic Models Through Procurement Perspective

  • Yagudina R,
  • Kulikov A,
  • Serpik V,
  • Borodin A,
  • Vygodchikova I

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 13
pp. 673 – 680


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Roza Yagudina,1 Andrey Kulikov,1 Vyacheslav Serpik,1 Alex Borodin,2 Irina Vygodchikova3 1Department of Organization of Medical Provision and Pharmacoeconomics, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia; 2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia; 3Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Economics, Saratov State University, Saratov, RussiaCorrespondence: Alex Borodin Tel +7 926 6469990Fax +7 916 7008865Email aib-2004@yandex.ruPurpose: Stimulating cost reduction of pharmaceutical companies to optimize the structure of distribution of patients by the level of treatment costs in various programs.Patients and Methods: In this article, we rise up the issues of pharmacoeconomic modeling related to the description of the patient flows in the pharmacoeconomic model and methods to determining the course dose of drugs under the restriction of integer computations. We established two possible ways of distributing patients through treatment regimens in pharmacoeconomic models, also analyzed the effects of simultaneous and uniform entry of patients into the model. Also, we considered the limitations and possibilities of calculations based on the active substance and packaging, as well as the transition factor of the remainder of the drug in the next time period.Results: A mathematical model of the analysis of the system assessment of patients by the level of risk of abandoning a healthy lifestyle in connection with the growing problems of the difficult-to-control process is developed. The use of a rational data convolution mode allowed us to obtain a criterion for the optimality of the process and a logical point of stability of the pharmaceutical company by rationally applying treatment methods according to established standards (percentage base). This approach makes it possible to influence the management of private clinics through clear ideas on the algorithms for prescribing drugs in each group of patients and their zoning in the vector recovery mode.Conclusion: Initial data and sample size: 552 measurements of the intervals of changes in the subject’s indicators in seconds (smoothing and scaling the data to the level of the base (analytical) period or the final (barrier) period). Regular use of this approach makes it possible to reserve the resources of the body of a healthy and physically active person in a timely manner for a very reliable functioning of all body systems, taking into account the dosed intake of prescribed drugs and the conditions of comfortable (decent) maintenance of patients during the course of treatment according to the method chosen by the doctor.Keywords: pharmacoeconomic modelling, pharmacoeconomic model, number of patients, patient flow, patient distribution, budget impact analysis, purchase requisition
