Applied Sciences (Apr 2024)
Designing a Secure and Scalable Service Agent for IoT Transmission through Blockchain and MQTT Fusion
With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) in recent years, many IoT devices use communication systems to transmit data. Data packets are inevitably at risk of tampering during data transmission, which can lead to information errors and damage during communication. Since IoT terminals are often operated under human supervision, it is essential to improve and ensure the transmission of information, avoid data tampering, and ensure the accuracy of packet transmission. This research successfully improves the message transmission method of IoT communication and the communication model by combining it with blockchain architecture. Combining communication protocols with blockchain serial connections eliminates the need to control operating and managing processes. By replacing message transmission with coverage, the reliability of data transmission in the IoT communication system is improved, and the flexibility of the data transmission process is enhanced. Through practical verification through experimentation, the study successfully improved the incapability of effectively constructing a cross-coded message transmission mode in the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) communication protocol, removed a single layer of encryption rule, and created an encryption mode capable of providing complex arrangement organization.