AIP Advances (Mar 2022)
Variational Ansatz preparation to avoid CNOT-gates on noisy quantum devices for combinatorial optimizations
The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), which is a quantum–classical hybrid approach, has latent powers to leverage near-term quantum devices by effectively managing a limited number of qubits with finite coherent lifetimes. While it is generally argued that the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), which is a special case of VQE with a variational Ansatz based on the adiabatic theorem, may enable practical applications of noisy quantum devices for classical combinatorial optimizations, the strategy to improve the performance of this algorithm by increasing the circuit depth conflicts with the limited coherence time of near-term quantum devices. Here, we introduce strategies involving the VQE to reduce the circuit resources required for solving combinatorial optimizations. Our concept of a parameterized quantum circuit allows the Ansatz preparation to be achieved by only single-qubit operation. We find that the variational Ansatz without controlled X-gates leads to quick convergence in a classical subroutine used to determine the variational parameters. In addition, the variational Ansatz with optimized parameters maintains performance over the problem sizes both on the numerical simulation and IBM 27-qubit processor “ibm_kawasaki.” Therefore, the variational Ansatz introduced in this study has several advantages considering the total calculation time and performance scaling over the problem sizes. We also show that the variational Ansatz consisting of a lower number of gate operations than that of QAOA can approximate the eigenstates of diagonal Hamiltonians with high accuracy. We illustrate our ideas with a maximum-cut problem and show that near-term quantum applications may be feasible using short-depth circuits.