Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies (May 2016)
Ce se (mai) ştie despre rudari? (studiu sociolingvistic cu privire la situaţia rudarilor din localitatea Valea Mare, judeţul Vâlcea
Over time, the research studies on those minority populations were, unfortunately, very few, limited to: Ion Chelcea, The Throughmakers. Contributions to an ethnographical “enigma”, Bucharest, 1943 and The Throughmakers of the Danube Valley, 1978; C. Serban, Contributions to the History of the Throughmakers from Romanian Country: The Gypsies Throughmakers from the 17th to the 18th century, in the “Magazine of History”, XII, 1959, no. 2, p. 131–147); Ion Calotă, Speech of the throughmakers from Oltenia, Craiova, Sibla, 1974, and The Throughmakers from Oltenia. Dialectology and linguistic geography study, 1995. As it concerns the băieşi, we shall mention two reference works of some local researcher, Dorin Lozovanu, The Romanian population from the Balkan Peninsula, geographically human study (thesis), Iaşi, July, 2008, and Nicolae Saramandu, Dialectal research to an unknown group of Romanian speakers: Băiaşii from the Northern Croatia, “Phonetics and Dialectology”, no. XVI, 2007. Vasile Ursan explained in his paper that “băieşii from Jina are the gypsies who formerly worked in quarries” and Nicolae Saramandu, in his article, restrict the ethnonym only on the Roma population (Gypsies) of the Central Europe. This ethnographic and linguistic identity between the Throughmakers and the Băieşi (goldsmiths miners) we have tried to establish during the study and we have conducted research on customizing the inhabitants of the village of Valea Mare, from Vâlcea county. Linguistic differences, caught by Nicholas Saramandu, we consider minor, in opposition to many of speech similarities. Field survey, which we conducted, largely impressionistic transcribed, come to annihilate any doubts about the idea that it would be about two different populations. It is clearly an overlap both linguistic and ethnological. As for the identity of the Roma population, we are opposed to the view of Ion Calotă who talks about an identity of the two populations. We will come back, in this regard, with additional conclusions in a study on all the Throughmakers populations from Oltenia.